Professional Metal Screen Printing
Your brand deserves to stand out. Caution labels need to be precise and clear. A bold logo on your packaging can help to highlight your product when it sits on the store shelf. Screen printing on metal can help you effectively achieve these goals and much more!
Sine-tific Solutions is your premier California screen printing source for adhesive backed engraved ID nameplates, front panel graphic overlays, warning labels, and metal front or rear panels. Screen printing on metal is our specialty! Our ability to produce bullet-proof printing on powder-coated front panels and prefabricated front bezels is legendary. We also excel at sub-surface printing on front panel graphic overlays.

Materials for Custom Silk Screen Printing on Metal
Our leading-edge technology and extensive industry experience allow us to provide screen printing on metal and a variety of other materials. Our custom metal stamp and screen printing on metal capabilities provide a clear and detailed message that can be easily understood. We can even handle custom printing on translucent colored windows for LEDs or clear LCD windows with patterned adhesive for your LCD display. We can print on any material, including:
Precision Color Matching: Your Designs, Your Colors
Within our California screen printing process, we use U.V. cured inks and a precise optical color match system. We can guarantee your PMS (Pantone Matching System) colors are exact every time, whether it is surface screen printing on Lexan or custom screen printing on metal nameplates. In order to provide the precise custom metal stamp and screen printing on metal services you expect from your leading California screen printing company, Sine-tific Solutions holds our color matching process to one Delta E. This standard provides superior color matching with variations that cannot be detected by the human eye. We also match to ANSI government, Federal Standard 595, and Mil Spec standards.
Powerful Adhesives Protect Screen Printed Metal Labels – Even in Harsh Environments
At Sine-tific Solutions, we understand that your California screen printed front metal panel graphic overlays, nameplates, custom metal stamps, and labels will serve in a variety of environments. To ensure the success of your project, we can work with you to select the best materials and adhesives for your application. We can offer several adhesive options, including 3M #467 and #468 as well as 3M #9471 and #9472. We also provide specially formulated adhesives based on your desired specifications. Just let our sales engineers know what environment and surface you need your labels to adhere too, and we'll take care of the rest.
Process for Cutting Labels and Overlays
Sine-tific Solutions uses class C steel rule dies to cut most labels and overlays has the capability to cut thicker custom metal stamping materials and metals on our Zund Digital Cutter, or CNC machine.
Get Started on Your Metal Screen Printing
Contact Us to discuss the screen printing options for your next project or request a quote today.